While job interviews can be nauseating, they are also opportunities for new jobs and career advancement. In fact, it can be a more enjoyable and productive experience if you prepare for the job interview with targeted aspects in mind, i.e. how to answer the most common job interview questions, what to know about the employer, and how to express your salary expectations. This article will guide you through what to wear, bring & say to get the position you applied for.
With these quick fixes in your job interview approach, you can make a substantial impact which can increase your chances of proceeding to the next stage.
Remember that leaving a great first impression is the key to landing the position you want, and proper dress, conversation, and punctuality are the key success factors. This article will discuss these very important factors, i.e. what to wear, say and bring to make a great impact in your job interview.
Prepare by practicing potential interview questions, breathing slowly and deeply to avoid feeling nervous, and dressing clean and simple.
What to Wear to a Job Interview
The way you dress for an interview creates a strong impression of a potential employer. Ideally, candidates should wear a business suit. Men should wear ties and women should wear pantyhose and close-toe shoes.
For more casual positions, dressy but simple outfits may be worn, without pantyhose for women. Men and women should be well-groomed and clean; avoid wearing perfumes or colognes. Light makeup is acceptable for women.
What to Bring to a Job Interview
Bring two copies of your resume, even if you already submitted one before the interview. If you have business cards, bring several to leave with the potential employer and attach one to each resume.
Leaving a Great First Impression
Arrive for the interview 10 to 15 minutes early, but no sooner. When introduced to your interviewer, extend your hand to shake. Sit with good posture, keeping your hands in your lap to avoid playing with jewelry or your hair. Look the interviewer in the eye as you speak, and remain calm, professional, and conversational.

How to Respond to Interview Questions
When you’re asked a question, you can take moment to think through your answer and then respond clearly and positively. If you’re asked a question you would prefer not to answer or one that would result in a negative response, turn the response in a positive direction.
For example, if you’re asked “Why did you leave your last position?” and you left because of your boss, spin it positively by responding, “I no longer agreed with the direction of the company, which is why I am here at such a reputable and ethical firm.”
Related Readings:
- How to Answer Tell Me About Yourself Interview Question
- How to Tell Your Weaknesses & How Not to in a Job Interview
- How to Answer Why Should I Hire You in a Job Interview
- What to Answer to the Interview Question :Why Do You Want This Job”
Selling Yourself in a Job Interview
Remember that your goal is to sell yourself without bragging. Do not hold back on your accomplishments from previous work experience, but do not exaggerate your qualities or make unrealistic promises.
Provide specifics, such as “I helped increase the company’s output by 10 percent in the three years I worked there” instead of vague statements like “I helped the company be more professional.”
Although the interviewer probably expects a little nervousness, try to remain calm throughout your interview to reveal your abilities and leave a positive first impression. Be sure to thank your interviewer for his or her time and say that you look forward to hearing from him or her soon.
The Bottom Line
A job interview can be equally overwhelming for a fresh grad and a professional looking to switch jobs, and good preparation is a key to conquering this. I am sure the above tips would help you prepare better and rock in your next job interview.