We all have weaknesses, and we’re all aware that the people around us have weaknesses of their own. In a professional setting like a workplace or a business environment, weaknesses are something we try to hide, especially when it comes to answering what are your weaknesses interview question.
Of course, no one would ever want to reveal their weaknesses in a job interview, but showing that you do not have any weaknesses is also a red flag for the hiring managers. This is mainly because with this question they can very well evaluate and spot the ideal balance of hard skills and soft skills they are looking for.
What is your greatest weakness is one of the most common job interview questions that many employers and hiring managers will ask you, and you may find yourself a bit overwhelmed to answer this; whether you are a fresher or a pro looking to switch jobs. Some variants may include:
- What are your strengths and weaknesses.
- What is your biggest weakness and how do you overcome it.

How to Answer “What Are Your Weaknesses Interview Question”
Well, whatever the words the recruiter uses to discover your weaknesses, you would not want your reply to be unrealistic or unclear. Usually, interviewees will answer with something like “I’m a perfectionist, although I take my time and focus on details, the end result will be quality.”
Well, this answer cannot really convince the recruiter.
You’d also not want to provide an answer that is out of context, i.e. “I am very kind hearted and people often take advantage of it.”
So, before you appear in a job interview you search for stuff like this:
- What is your greatest strength answer samples
- Best answer for what are your weaknesses interview question
- What are your strengths examples answers
- What is your weakness answer for fresh graduate
- What are your strengths and weaknesses
- List of weaknesses for job interview
- How to answer what’s your biggest weakness in job interview
Honestly speaking, there is no one standard way to answer “what are your weaknesses interview question”. So, the best way is to understand the essence of the question and prepare an answer based on it.
Know What the Recruiter Wants to Know by Asking You About Your Greatest Weaknesses
Essentially, the purpose of this job interview question is to evaluate the candidate in three basic areas:
1- Self Awareness
Whether the candidate has a satisfactory level of self-awareness or not, i.e. does he know what he lacks and what areas he needs to improve in?
2- Honesty
It is crucially important for any organization to make sure that the people they hire are honest and the question “what is your biggest weakness” is a great way to find if the candidate is honest or not. This matters a lot for them to plan your career growth accordingly.
3- Readiness for Improvement
As a fact of the matter, there’s always room for improvement, even if you’re the best in your field. The question, ” what is your biggest weakness and how can you overcome it” is intended to know whether you are ready for self-improvement and growth opportunities or not.
Answering “What are Your Weaknessed Interview Question” the Right Way
Firstly, you are being asked about your self-awareness, your understanding of your self and your limitations. Self-awareness leads to your awareness of your impact on others, which is something that better candidates show employers. Your self-awareness and awareness of others are essential for working in a team environment, as are growth and development.
Here’s a list of possible areas that might be challenging for you. Pick up what you are struggling with from the list below:
Identify Your Weaknessed from This List of Possible Weaknesses
1- Patience
Especially when working with a team. You may be the quick doer and the slow team members overwhelm you.
2- Organization Skills
you struggle at prioritizing, time management, resources management, etc.
3- Delegating Responsibility
You can outdo things yourself, but it’s a struggle to get it done by someone else.
4- Fearful
You can be too timid with your feedback, maybe due to the fear of confrontation.
5- Public Speaking
You are great at work, but find it difficult to express your expert opinion in meetings.
6- Analytical Approach
Some people naturally have analytical skills while others do not. However, the good thing is they can be acquired at any time.
Prepare Your Answer for “What are Your Weaknesses Interview Question”
Once you know the essence of these questions and have a list of possible weaknesses, you can craft your answer based on your very own weaknesses. For instance;
If patience is a weakness, you can say, “I am quite a self motivated person, however, at times I find it difficult to work in a team where other members’ speed impacts the performance”.
If you are lacking organization, you can say, “I can deliver multiple projects with equal efficiency, but I might need someone to identify and specify priorities clearly”.
If public speaking is your concern, you may want to tell them that you can present all the project reports in writing and can explain the details to the manager/supervisor, however, you may not be very good at addressing a group of people.
The Bottom Line
Now you know how to answer “what are your weaknesses interview question”, and finally, if this question is answered well, it will not just help you ace the interview, but it will also be finished off by mentioning any self-growth you are doing to improve on your weakness/weaknesses. This question is asking you to recognize your shortcomings and to speak on what you’re doing or plan to do to improve yourself, not to trip you up to admitting something personal or irrelevant.
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