Experts have estimated that the market for handheld ultrasound devices will increase by 12% by 2030. With this comes an increase in demand for point of care ultrasound (POCUS) technicians. Therefore, it’s a good idea to consider becoming one through training.
However, the ease of finding work isn’t the only benefit of learning POCUS. You’re also not the only one who will benefit. Using POCUS can also benefit your patients, workplace, and more.
If you still need some convincing as to the usefulness of learning POCUS, read on.

1. You Won’t Expose Your Patients to Radiation
To look inside a patient, medical professionals often use X-ray imaging. X-ray devices remain excellent tools to identify common medical injuries and diseases. However, using them puts the patient at risk of developing cancer.
In contrast, ultrasound devices pose no threat to a patient. Instead of using radiation, ultrasound devices create an inner body image through the use of harmless high-energy sound waves.
2. You Won’t Leave Your Patient
A radiology health care career comes with one large downside. Radiologists cannot stay close to their patient while he or she gets an x-ray. Doing so puts medical professionals at risk of radiation exposure.
In this position, it’s difficult to comfort a patient who feels stressed. Luckily, the case is much different with professionals who have pursued ultrasound training. As there’s no risk of radiation, they can stay and comfort their patient while taking their x-ray.
3. You Won’t Transport a Heavy Device
If you’ve already used a traditional ultrasound machine, you know how bulky they can be. Many medical professionals find them difficult to maneuver around a hospital environment.
If you learn POCUS, however, you’ll never have to deal with these unwieldy machines ever again. Many POCUS devices are only about the size of a television remote if not smaller.
4. You Won’t Transport At-Risk Patients
It is often also difficult to transport patients as well. Many are too sick or injured. Transporting them to an imaging center can cause them further medical complications.
Bringing a POCUS device into a hospital room is a great alternative.
5. You Won’t Pay Expensive Costs
A standard ultrasound device can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Most POCUS devices only cost a few thousand. Therefore, by pursuing point of care ultrasound training options, your workplace can save on equipment costs.
6. You Won’t Need a Radiologist
Another cost bonus is that no one in your workplace will need radiology career training. Professionals can transmit ultrasound images via wireless and satellite communications. From there, telemedicine professionals can help them interpret these images.
If You Learned a Lot About Point Of Care Ultrasound Devices, Read Our Other Articles
While the point of care ultrasound is a new technology, improvements are being made every day. It is definitely possible that they’ll replace traditional ultrasound devices soon. When that happens, professionals will rush to gain the right career training.
Stay ahead of the curve and get POCUS training before it becomes too popular for you to do so.
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